MEGA manufactures Gas Chromatrography capillary columns in Italy since 1980.
His founder, Mario Galli, has more than 50 years of experience in Gas Chromatography technique, both in analytical and instrumentation development fields. He has been cooperating side-by-side with Professor Kurt Grob since the pioneering age of capillary GC to develop the procedures of surface inertness and coating of both glass and fused silica capillary columns.
Over the years our research and development activity has been, and still is, constantly focused towards the improvement of the existing products as well as the development and introduction of brand new ones.
Today MEGA offers one of the most complete range of GC columns, the quality of which is guaranteed by testing each column one-by-one using the Grob Test mixture to ensure the high efficiency of our products, and also other dedicated Test mixes for special and custom columns. Our catalog includes GC-MS low bleeding columns, FAST-GC columns and solutions for Multidimensional and GCxGC Comprehensive techniques.
Moreover MEGA produces the most efficient GC columns with cyclodextrines-based stationary phases for enantiomeric chiral separations (MEGA-DEX columns line).
We offer the possibility to completely customize the product, realizing ad-hoc special columns to solve your specific analytical problem. We test your sample for you.
Our range of products is completed with PRESS-FIT connectors (2-ways union, 3-ways “Y” type and 4, 5-multiways type) and a Retention-Gaps line deactivated for any purpose.
We constantly offer our experience and innovation in order to find the right solution for your GC analysis.
MEGA manufactures Gas Chromatrography capillary columns in Italy since 1980.
His founder, Mario Galli, has more than 50 years of experience in Gas Chromatography technique, both in analytical and instrumentation development fields. He has been cooperating side-by-side with Professor Kurt Grob since the pioneering age of capillary GC to develop the procedures of surface inertness and coating of both glass and fused silica capillary columns.
Over the years our research and development activity has been, and still is, constantly focused towards the improvement of the existing products as well as the development and introduction of brand new ones.
Today MEGA offers a wide range of products and GC Capillary Columns, the quality of which is guaranteed by testing each individual column using the Grob Test Mixture to ensure the high efficiency of our products, and also other dedicated Test Mixes for special and custom columns. Our catalog includes GC-MS low bleeding columns, FAST-GC columns and solutions for Multidimensional and GCxGC Comprehensive techniques.
Moreover MEGA produces the most efficient GC capillary columns with cyclodextrines-based stationary phases for enantiomeric chiral separations (MEGA-DEX Columns line). We offer the possibility to completely customize the product, producing ad-hoc special columns to solve your specific analytical problem. We test your sample for you.
Our range of products is completed with PRESS-FIT connectors (2-ways union, 3-ways “Y” type and 4, 5-multiways type) and a Retention-Gaps line deactivated for any purpose.
We constantly offer our experience and innovation in order to find the right solution for your GC analysis.
Our history through scientific papers and literature
T. Uekane (1), M. Galli (3), S. Galli (3), F. Mancarella (4), I. Elmi (4), M. Belluce (4), P. Rubiolo (2), B. Sgorbini (2), C. Bicchi (2), C. Cagliero (2)
“Conventional and enantioselective GC Microfabricated columns Vs. FSOT columns in the analysis of real-world samples in the Flavors & Fragrances field”
1: Insituto de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). 2: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienza e Teconologia del Farmaco, Via P. Giuria 9, Torino (Italy) 3: MEGA s.n.c. – Via Plinio 29, Legnano (MI) (Italy). 4: CNR-IMM Bologna, Via P. Gobetti 101, Bologna (Italy).
Manos Barbounis (1), Dimitris Georgantas (1), Vassiliki Panagiotopoulou (2), Vassilis Tzamtzis (2)
“Determination of Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons in Vegetable Oils (using MEGA-1 HT column)”
1: N. Asteriadis S.A. – Greece. 2: GeneralChemicalState Laboratory – Greece.
Robert A. Shellie, Paul D. Morrison, Philip Mariott, Samuel D.H. Poynter
“Selection of Columns for GCxGC Analysis of Essential Oils”
(LCGC EUROPE, Feb. 1 2010)
Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“A new High Temperature Carbowax Column stable up to 300°C for FAST-GC and GCxGC use”
(7th GCxGC Symposium, 34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 2010, Riva del Garda)
Manuela Bergna, Stefano Galli
“Applications of a new FAST-ON-COLUMN Injector: Analysis of Undiluted Essential Oils with Narrow-bore FAST-GC columns and Conventional GC to avoid discrimination and sample alteration”
(PittCon Conference & Expo, Chicago, 2009)
Manuela Bergna, Stefano Galli
“Applications of a new FAST-ON-COLUMN Injector: Analysis of Explosive Mixtures, according to EPA method 8095, with FAST-GC Narrow-bore dedicated columns “
(PittCon Conference & Expo, Chicago, 2009)
Chiara Cordero, Carlo Bicchi, Patrizia Robiolo, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“A new column coated with two in series different stationary phases in a single fused silica tubing of conventional inner diameter for Comprehensive Two-Dimensional GCxGC”
(5th GCxGC Symposium, 2008, Riva del Garda)
Stefano Galli, Manuela Bergna
“A new nanovolume FAST ON-COLUMN inlet system: principle of operation, automation and applications on high temperature FAST Gas Chromatography”
(32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 2008, Riva del Garda)
Manuela Bergna, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“Applications of a new FAST-ON-COLUMN Injector to Flavors and Fragrances, Triglycerides and High Boiling Point Compounds Analysis in FAST-GC”
(PittCon Conference & Expo, New Orleans, 2008)
Chiara Cordero, Carlo Bicchi, Patrizia Robiolo, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“Comprehensive two-dimensional GCxGC with conventional Inner Diameter Columns: new column coated with two in series stationary phases in a single fused silica tubing”
(PittCon Conference & Expo, New Orleans, 2008)
Chiara Cordero, Carlo Bicchi, Erica Liberto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Barbara Sgorbini, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“Comprehensive two-dimensional GCxGC with conventional Inner Diameter Columns: method development and flow regime optimization”
(DISEC, The Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography,2007, Dalian, CINA)
Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Barbara Sgorbini, Mario Galli, Carlo Bicchi
“Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography in the analysis of volatile samples of natural origin: A multidisciplinary approach to evaluate the influence of second dimension column coated with mixed stationary phases on system orthogonality”
Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 1132, Issues 1-2, 3 November 2006, Pages 268-279
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“Reply to “Comments on the ‘classical equations’ given in J. Chromatogr. A 1024 (2004) 195–207”, by L.S. Ettre”
Journal of Chromatography A, 1076 (1), p.222-223, May 2005
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“High-speed gas chromatography with direct resistively-heated column (ultra fast module-GC)-separation measure (S) and other chromatographic parameters under different analysis conditions for samples of different complexities and volatilities”
Journal of Chromatography A, 1071 (1), p.3-12, Apr 2005
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“Direct resistively heated column gas chromatography (Ultrafast module-GC) for high-speed analysis of essential oils of differing complexities“
Journal of Chromatography A, 1024 (1), p.195-207, Jan 2004
Paolo Magni, Riccardo Facchetti, Andrea Cadoppi, Fausto Pigozzo, Carlo Bicchi
“Analysis of Essential Oils by Ultra-Fast GC: an Effective Technique for 30-fold speed Increase”
(27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography,2004, Riva del Garda)
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Giancarlo Cravotto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Francisco Mendicuti
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in enantiomer GC separation of volatiles. Part XXI: Complexation of some terpenoids with 2-O-acetyl-3-O-methyl- and 2-O-methyl-3-O-acetyl-6-O-t-hexyldimethylsilyl-Gamma-cyclodextrins: Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics“
Journal of Separation Science
Volume 26, Issue 17, Date: November 2003, Pages: 1479-1490
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Giancarlo Cravotto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Francisco Mendicuti
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemates with different volatilities. Part XIX: Thermodynamic aspects of enantioselective GC separation of some volatiles with Gamma-cyclodextrins 2,3-substituted with methyl and acetyl groups“
Journal of Separation Science
Volume 26, Issue 9-10, Date: July 2003, Pages: 761-770
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Giancarlo Cravotto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemates of different volatility Part XVIII: 2-methyl-3-acetyl- and 2-acetyl-3-methyl-6-O–t-hexyldimethylsilyl-Gamma-cyclodextrin derivatives“
Journal of Separation Science
Volume 25, Issue 3, Date: February 2002, Pages: 125-134
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“Conventional inner diameter short capillary columns: an approach to speeding up gas chromatographic analysis of medium complexity samples“
Journal of Chromatography A, 931 (1), p.129-140, Oct 2001
Carlo Bicchi, Giancarlo Cravotto, Angela D’amato, Patrizia Rubiolo, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in gas chromatographic separation of racemates with different volatility. Part XV: 6-O–t-butyldimethylsilyl- versus 6-O–t-hexyldimethylsilyl-Beta and -Gamma derivatives“
Journal of Microcolumn Separations
Volume 11, Issue 7, Date: 1999, Pages: 487-500
Ivan Spaanik, Jaan Krupcik, Ivan Skacaani, Jaap De Zeeuw, Mario Galli, Pat Sandra
“Capillary gas chromatographic separation of C10-C12 secondary phenylalkanes on modified cyclodextrin stationary phases”
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, Volume 20, Issue 12, Date: December 1997, Pages: 688-692
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles – part XII: Thick-film wide-bore columns for enantiomer GC preparation“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 20, Issue 9, Date: September 1997, Pages: 493-498
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the gas chromatographic separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds X. 2,3-Di–O–ethyl-6-O–tert.-butyldimethylsilyl-β- and −γ-cyclodextrins“
Journal of Chromatography A, 742 (1), p.161-173, Aug 1996
A.Antonelli, Mario Galli
“ Determination of volatiles in spirits using combined stationary phases in capillary GC”
Chromatographia, Volume 41, Numbers 11-12 / December, 1995
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles. Part IX. The influence of the different polysiloxanes as diluting phase for 2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-t-butyldimethylsilyl Beta cyclodextrin on the separation of some racemates“
Journal of Microcolumn Separations
Volume 7, Issue 4, Date: July/August 1995, Pages: 327-336
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives for GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds. Part VIII: 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-Gamma-cyclodextrin and 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-(4-oxo-pentyl)- and 2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-(4-oxo-pentyl)-Beta-and -Gamma-cyclodextrins“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 18, Issue 5, Date: May 1995, Pages: 295-298
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the gas chromatographic separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds
VII. The use of 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-β-cyclodextrin diluted in phases with different polarity in the separation of racemates in complex mixtures”
Journal of Chromatography A, 666 (1), p.137-146, Apr 1994
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives for the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds. Part VI: The influence of the diluting phase on the enantioselectivity of 2,6-Di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-Beta-cyclodextrin“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 16, Issue 4, Date: April 1993, Pages: 209-214
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds, part V: Heptakis 2,6-dimethyl-3-pentyl-Beta-cyclodextrins“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 11, Date: November 1992, Pages: 710-714
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’Amato, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds: Part IV“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 10, Date: October 1992, Pages: 655-658
Konrad Grob, Maurus Biedermann, Konrad Bernath, Hans-Peter Neukom, Mario Galli
“Call for fused silica tubing furnishing tight press-fit connections“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 9, Date: September 1992, Pages: 613-614
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’amato, Isabella Semeraro, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cold on-column – solvent split injection with a three-way press-fit device“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 3, Date: March 1992, Pages: 155-159
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’amato, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles: Part III“
Volume 4, Issue 2, Date: 1992, Pages: 125-131
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’amato, Gloria Pellegrino, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“GC separation of the enantiomers of Gamma- and Delta-lactones on a mixture of 2,6-dimethyl-3-trifluoroacetyl-Gamma-cyclodextrin and OV-1701“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 14, Issue 10, Date: October 1991, Pages: 701-704
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’amato, Gian Mario Nano, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Permethylated cyclodextrins in the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles: Part 1“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 14, Issue 5, Date: May 1991, Pages: 301-305
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’amato, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cold on-column/sample split injection by a three-way press-fit device“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 13, Issue 9, Date: September 1990, Pages: 649-651
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’amato, Mario Galli
“The use of three way press-fit connectors (Y connectors) in the analysis of essential oils“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 12, Issue 5, Date: May 1989, Pages: 349-352
S. Trestianu, G. Zilioli, A. Sironi, C. Saravalle, F. Munari, M. Galli, G. Gaspar, J. M. Colin, J. L. Jovelin
“Automatic simulated distillation of heavy petroleum fractions up to 800°C TBP by capillary gas chromatography. Part I: Possibilities and limits of the method“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 8, Issue 11, Date: November 1985, Pages: 771-781
G. Di Pasquale, M. Galli
“Determination of additives in polyolefins by capillary gas chromatography“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 7, Issue 8, Date: August 1984, Pages: 484-486
M. Galli, S. Trestianu
“Benefits of a special cooling system to improve precision and accuracy in non-vaporizing on-column injection procedures“
Journal of Chromatography A, 203 (1), p.193-205, Jan 1981
Our history through scientific papers and literature
T. Uekane (1), M. Galli (3), S. Galli (3), F. Mancarella (4), I. Elmi (4), M. Belluce (4), P. Rubiolo (2), B. Sgorbini (2), C. Bicchi (2), C. Cagliero (2)
“Conventional and enantioselective GC Microfabricated columns Vs. FSOT columns in the analysis of real-world samples in the Flavors & Fragrances field”
1: Insituto de Quimica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). 2: Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienza e Teconologia del Farmaco, Via P. Giuria 9, Torino (Italy) 3: MEGA s.n.c. – Via Plinio 29, Legnano (MI) (Italy). 4: CNR-IMM Bologna, Via P. Gobetti 101, Bologna (Italy).
Manos Barbounis (1), Dimitris Georgantas (1), Vassiliki Panagiotopoulou (2), Vassilis Tzamtzis (2)
“Determination of Mineral Oil Hydrocarbons in Vegetable Oils (using MEGA-1 HT column)”
1: N. Asteriadis S.A. – Greece. 2: GeneralChemicalState Laboratory – Greece.
Robert A. Shellie, Paul D. Morrison, Philip Mariott, Samuel D.H. Poynter
“Selection of Columns for GCxGC Analysis of Essential Oils”
(LCGC EUROPE, Feb. 1 2010)
Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“A new High Temperature Carbowax Column stable up to 300°C for FAST-GC and GCxGC use”
(7th GCxGC Symposium, 34th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 2010, Riva del Garda)
Manuela Bergna, Stefano Galli
“Applications of a new FAST-ON-COLUMN Injector: Analysis of Undiluted Essential Oils with Narrow-bore FAST-GC columns and Conventional GC to avoid discrimination and sample alteration”
(PittCon Conference & Expo, Chicago, 2009)
Manuela Bergna, Stefano Galli
“Applications of a new FAST-ON-COLUMN Injector: Analysis of Explosive Mixtures, according to EPA method 8095, with FAST-GC Narrow-bore dedicated columns “
(PittCon Conference & Expo, Chicago, 2009)
Chiara Cordero, Carlo Bicchi, Patrizia Robiolo, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“A new column coated with two in series different stationary phases in a single fused silica tubing of conventional inner diameter for Comprehensive Two-Dimensional GCxGC”
(5th GCxGC Symposium, 2008, Riva del Garda)
Stefano Galli, Manuela Bergna
“A new nanovolume FAST ON-COLUMN inlet system: principle of operation, automation and applications on high temperature FAST Gas Chromatography”
(32nd International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography, 2008, Riva del Garda)
Manuela Bergna, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“Applications of a new FAST-ON-COLUMN Injector to Flavors and Fragrances, Triglycerides and High Boiling Point Compounds Analysis in FAST-GC”
(PittCon Conference & Expo, New Orleans, 2008)
Chiara Cordero, Carlo Bicchi, Patrizia Robiolo, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“Comprehensive two-dimensional GCxGC with conventional Inner Diameter Columns: new column coated with two in series stationary phases in a single fused silica tubing”
(PittCon Conference & Expo, New Orleans, 2008)
Chiara Cordero, Carlo Bicchi, Erica Liberto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Barbara Sgorbini, Mario Galli, Stefano Galli
“Comprehensive two-dimensional GCxGC with conventional Inner Diameter Columns: method development and flow regime optimization”
(DISEC, The Dalian International Symposia and Exhibition on Chromatography,2007, Dalian, CINA)
Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Barbara Sgorbini, Mario Galli, Carlo Bicchi
“Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography in the analysis of volatile samples of natural origin: A multidisciplinary approach to evaluate the influence of second dimension column coated with mixed stationary phases on system orthogonality”
Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 1132, Issues 1-2, 3 November 2006, Pages 268-279
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“Reply to “Comments on the ‘classical equations’ given in J. Chromatogr. A 1024 (2004) 195–207”, by L.S. Ettre”
Journal of Chromatography A, 1076 (1), p.222-223, May 2005
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“High-speed gas chromatography with direct resistively-heated column (ultra fast module-GC)-separation measure (S) and other chromatographic parameters under different analysis conditions for samples of different complexities and volatilities”
Journal of Chromatography A, 1071 (1), p.3-12, Apr 2005
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Chiara Cordero, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“Direct resistively heated column gas chromatography (Ultrafast module-GC) for high-speed analysis of essential oils of differing complexities“
Journal of Chromatography A, 1024 (1), p.195-207, Jan 2004
Paolo Magni, Riccardo Facchetti, Andrea Cadoppi, Fausto Pigozzo, Carlo Bicchi
“Analysis of Essential Oils by Ultra-Fast GC: an Effective Technique for 30-fold speed Increase”
(27th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography,2004, Riva del Garda)
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Giancarlo Cravotto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Francisco Mendicuti
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in enantiomer GC separation of volatiles. Part XXI: Complexation of some terpenoids with 2-O-acetyl-3-O-methyl- and 2-O-methyl-3-O-acetyl-6-O-t-hexyldimethylsilyl-Gamma-cyclodextrins: Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics“
Journal of Separation Science
Volume 26, Issue 17, Date: November 2003, Pages: 1479-1490
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Giancarlo Cravotto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli, Francisco Mendicuti
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemates with different volatilities. Part XIX: Thermodynamic aspects of enantioselective GC separation of some volatiles with Gamma-cyclodextrins 2,3-substituted with methyl and acetyl groups“
Journal of Separation Science
Volume 26, Issue 9-10, Date: July 2003, Pages: 761-770
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Giancarlo Cravotto, Patrizia Rubiolo, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemates of different volatility Part XVIII: 2-methyl-3-acetyl- and 2-acetyl-3-methyl-6-O–t-hexyldimethylsilyl-Gamma-cyclodextrin derivatives“
Journal of Separation Science
Volume 25, Issue 3, Date: February 2002, Pages: 125-134
Carlo Bicchi, Claudio Brunelli, Mario Galli, Albino Sironi
“Conventional inner diameter short capillary columns: an approach to speeding up gas chromatographic analysis of medium complexity samples“
Journal of Chromatography A, 931 (1), p.129-140, Oct 2001
Carlo Bicchi, Giancarlo Cravotto, Angela D’amato, Patrizia Rubiolo, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in gas chromatographic separation of racemates with different volatility. Part XV: 6-O–t-butyldimethylsilyl- versus 6-O–t-hexyldimethylsilyl-Beta and -Gamma derivatives“
Journal of Microcolumn Separations
Volume 11, Issue 7, Date: 1999, Pages: 487-500
Ivan Spaanik, Jaan Krupcik, Ivan Skacaani, Jaap De Zeeuw, Mario Galli, Pat Sandra
“Capillary gas chromatographic separation of C10-C12 secondary phenylalkanes on modified cyclodextrin stationary phases”
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, Volume 20, Issue 12, Date: December 1997, Pages: 688-692
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles – part XII: Thick-film wide-bore columns for enantiomer GC preparation“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 20, Issue 9, Date: September 1997, Pages: 493-498
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the gas chromatographic separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds X. 2,3-Di–O–ethyl-6-O–tert.-butyldimethylsilyl-β- and −γ-cyclodextrins“
Journal of Chromatography A, 742 (1), p.161-173, Aug 1996
A.Antonelli, Mario Galli
“ Determination of volatiles in spirits using combined stationary phases in capillary GC”
Chromatographia, Volume 41, Numbers 11-12 / December, 1995
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles. Part IX. The influence of the different polysiloxanes as diluting phase for 2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-t-butyldimethylsilyl Beta cyclodextrin on the separation of some racemates“
Journal of Microcolumn Separations
Volume 7, Issue 4, Date: July/August 1995, Pages: 327-336
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives for GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds. Part VIII: 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-Gamma-cyclodextrin and 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-(4-oxo-pentyl)- and 2,6-di-O-pentyl-3-O-(4-oxo-pentyl)-Beta-and -Gamma-cyclodextrins“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 18, Issue 5, Date: May 1995, Pages: 295-298
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the gas chromatographic separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds
VII. The use of 2,6-di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-β-cyclodextrin diluted in phases with different polarity in the separation of racemates in complex mixtures”
Journal of Chromatography A, 666 (1), p.137-146, Apr 1994
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives for the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds. Part VI: The influence of the diluting phase on the enantioselectivity of 2,6-Di-O-methyl-3-O-pentyl-Beta-cyclodextrin“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 16, Issue 4, Date: April 1993, Pages: 209-214
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’Amato, Valeria Manzin, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds, part V: Heptakis 2,6-dimethyl-3-pentyl-Beta-cyclodextrins“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 11, Date: November 1992, Pages: 710-714
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’Amato, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatile compounds: Part IV“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 10, Date: October 1992, Pages: 655-658
Konrad Grob, Maurus Biedermann, Konrad Bernath, Hans-Peter Neukom, Mario Galli
“Call for fused silica tubing furnishing tight press-fit connections“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 9, Date: September 1992, Pages: 613-614
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’amato, Isabella Semeraro, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cold on-column – solvent split injection with a three-way press-fit device“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 15, Issue 3, Date: March 1992, Pages: 155-159
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’amato, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cyclodextrin derivatives in GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles: Part III“
Volume 4, Issue 2, Date: 1992, Pages: 125-131
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’amato, Gloria Pellegrino, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“GC separation of the enantiomers of Gamma- and Delta-lactones on a mixture of 2,6-dimethyl-3-trifluoroacetyl-Gamma-cyclodextrin and OV-1701“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 14, Issue 10, Date: October 1991, Pages: 701-704
Carlo Bicchi, Giuseppe Artuffo, Angela D’amato, Gian Mario Nano, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Permethylated cyclodextrins in the GC separation of racemic mixtures of volatiles: Part 1“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 14, Issue 5, Date: May 1991, Pages: 301-305
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’amato, Anna Galli, Mario Galli
“Cold on-column/sample split injection by a three-way press-fit device“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 13, Issue 9, Date: September 1990, Pages: 649-651
Carlo Bicchi, Angela D’amato, Mario Galli
“The use of three way press-fit connectors (Y connectors) in the analysis of essential oils“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 12, Issue 5, Date: May 1989, Pages: 349-352
S. Trestianu, G. Zilioli, A. Sironi, C. Saravalle, F. Munari, M. Galli, G. Gaspar, J. M. Colin, J. L. Jovelin
“Automatic simulated distillation of heavy petroleum fractions up to 800°C TBP by capillary gas chromatography. Part I: Possibilities and limits of the method“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 8, Issue 11, Date: November 1985, Pages: 771-781
G. Di Pasquale, M. Galli
“Determination of additives in polyolefins by capillary gas chromatography“
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography
Volume 7, Issue 8, Date: August 1984, Pages: 484-486
M. Galli, S. Trestianu
“Benefits of a special cooling system to improve precision and accuracy in non-vaporizing on-column injection procedures“
Journal of Chromatography A, 203 (1), p.193-205, Jan 1981