Home 9 GC Columns 9 GC-MS 9 MEGA-PLUS


copolynmer polyethylene glycol + methyl polysiloxane

– Apolar stationary phase.
– Crossbonded.
– USP:
– Temperature limits: n.d.
This column is also available with integrated built-in retention gap technology

Related application notes

Equivalent / Alternative to

(All the trademarks mentioned here are registered)

Agilent “DX” columns series

Help with ordering

To place an order or request a quote, we need to know which stationary phase, I.D., Film Thickness and Length you are interested in. To generate a catalog code for MEGA-1 columns you have to start with: “S-1-ID-FT-L” (so, for example, a MEGA-1 – 0.25mm x 0.50micron x 30m have “S-1-025-050-30” catalog code).

Email us at info@mega.mi.it

        *: the temperature range may change depending on the stationary phase film thickness.